ConferenceNews – Case study

Transforming ConferenceNews - Elevating the UK's Premier Event Industry News Source

ConferenceNews is the UK’s premier source for news, insights, and thought leadership within the meetings, events, and conferences sectors. We were tasked with designing and building a website that would elevate its online presence and provide an elegant, news-worthy experience for its readers. This case study highlights how we approached the challenge, from understanding the client’s business objectives to implementing innovative web features and design elements that align with ConferenceNews’ goals.

Table of Contents

How We Helped This Business:

1. Understanding the Business and Objectives:

Our journey began with a comprehensive understanding of ConferenceNews’ business objectives and target audience. We recognized the importance of creating a user-friendly platform that not only delivered news but also fostered engagement and community within the event industry. By aligning our strategy with these goals, we set the stage for a successful transformation.

2. Designing with the Theme of Elegance and Newsworthiness:

To capture the essence of elegance and newsworthiness, we opted for a color scheme dominated by bright red and white. Red, as the primary color, was chosen to draw attention and evoke emotions such as passion and confidence—qualities that ConferenceNews wanted to project to its readers. The combination of red and white lent a professional and dynamic look to the website, immediately signaling that this was a source of reliable and important information.

Website Features:

Our team worked meticulously to implement features that not only enhanced user experience but also distinguished ConferenceNews from its competitors:

Bookmark System:


We introduced a user-friendly bookmark system that allowed readers to save articles without the need for registration or account creation. This feature improved accessibility, enabling users to curate their own reading lists effortlessly.

Text Magnification:


Recognizing the diverse needs of readers, we integrated a text magnification button. This allowed readers with visual impairments to increase text size by up to three times, ensuring accessibility for a wider audience and fostering inclusivity.

Social Sharing Buttons:

We strategically placed social sharing buttons on the side and bottom of articles. This not only encouraged readers to share content but also contributed to the website’s authority and off-page SEO. Sharing articles across social networks increased the site’s visibility and expanded its reach within the event industry community.


In collaboration with ConferenceNews, we successfully transformed the website into a cutting-edge platform that met the client’s objectives and exceeded user expectations. By understanding the business, designing with elegance and newsworthiness, and incorporating innovative features, we positioned ConferenceNews as the go-to source for event industry news in the UK.

This project showcases the power of a strategic partnership between us and a forward-thinking client, ultimately enhancing user experience, accessibility, and industry authority. As a result, ConferenceNews is now better equipped to continue its mission of delivering news, insights, and thought leadership to the meetings, events, and conferences sectors in the UK, solidifying its position as the industry leader.

Click here to check out ConferenceNews website.

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